Company Culture

Why Team Building Is The Only Skill You Need For Boosting Business

Why Team Building Is The Only Skill You Need For Boosting Business

Why does Forbes say team building is “the most important investment you can make for your business success”?

Effective team building means having more engaged employees who have enhanced communication skills, collaboration, and overall efficiency. Working in a business environment should mean feeling valued, respected, and comfortable. What that might look like for everyone can vary, but the goal of team building is to create a work culture that exemplifies company ideals and makes for a positive, conducive environment to work in. 

5 Steps To Use Storytelling In Meetings To Boost Your Company Culture

5 Steps To Use Storytelling In Meetings To Boost Your Company Culture

Bad meetings can kill your company culture.

Whether you’re running a massive Fortune 500, or a hip new startup, you’ve probably attended meetings that left you thinking “This should have been an email”.

Most meetings are disruptive time wasters, but they don’t have to be.

Including storytelling in meetings can increase employee engagement, build relationships between colleagues, improve communication, increase productivity and support the development of a successful company culture.

Why You Need To "Show & Tell" Your Company Core Values Now, More Than Ever

Why You Need To "Show & Tell" Your Company Core Values Now, More Than Ever

The strongest and most successful companies in the world also have the strongest and most successful organizational culture, built on solid values and a team that is completely aligned to “showing and telling” those values.

As leaders, founders, managers, and investors we are role models in the world. We have the power and responsibility to spread tolerance, increase workplace diversity, embrace immigrants, eradicate misogyny, and so much more.